Sitia Dinar Pangestu


This study aims to examine efforts to improve the ability to write procedural texts through the Rally Coach model in collaborative learning for class XI MAN 2 Cianjur students. The research design used was a quantitative study with a quasi-experimental research method in the form of a Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Observational data on students in the experimental and control classes gave very good responses in learning to write procedural texts. Furthermore, the results of the increase were shown from the comparison of the experimental class with the control class through the initial average percentage starting from the results of the pretest and posttest with the help of SPSS software. The initial ability to write student procedure texts in collaborative learning is relatively the same. This can be seen from the average values of the experimental class and the control class respectively 57.32 and 55.18. The average difference between the experimental class and the control class is 2.14. Furthermore, in the posttest (final test) there was a significant increase from both classes, but obtained different results. This can be seen from the average values of the experimental class and the control class respectively 82.86 and 78.57. The average difference between the experimental class and the control class is 4.29. Finally, namely the questionnaire, from the results of data processing 100% of students agreed that the cooperative learning model was suitable for use in procedural text learning while in the control class 29% of students did not agree that the conventional model was suitable for use in procedural text learning. The use of the rally coach type cooperative learning model can improve students' writing skills on procedural text material in collaborative learning. So that the rally coach type cooperative learning model can be used as a reference for Indonesian language teachers to create more active, creative and innovative learning activities.

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