Muhammad Nafriza Fadillah, Ervan Kastrena, Mela Aryani


Gadgets are used by a variety of groups, ranging from children, teenagers, adults, and parents. Gadgets are used for communication tools, social media games, games, and even online learning. A gadget is an electronic device or instrument that has a practical purpose and functions primarily to help humans. (Widiawati, 2014). This study uses a quantitative approach with a type of correlational method that aims to find out the correlation (relationship) between the two variables. It is a traditional study that has been used for quite a long time and has met the scientific principles that are concrete, objective, measured, rational, systematic, as well as using numbers and statistical analysis. (Fraenkel et al., 2012; Sugiyono, 2013). Gadgets (X), attitudes (Y1), and characters (Y2) Together Are Significantly Related. The results of the analysis indicate that there is a significant relationship between the impact of the use of gadgets and the attitude and character of students in PJOK learning. Based on the known results, the significance value for the simultaneous influence of X on Y1 and Y2 is 0,000 > 0.05, and the value of F is 16.006 F table 3,936. So it can be concluded that H3 is accepted, which means there is an X influence simultaneously on Y1 and Y2. Teachers and especially sports teachers can choose learning criteria that can be used using the gadget as a learning container that can attract the interest of the child in learning, is able to make the classroom atmosphere comfortable, and of course, without any attitude or character that deviates.

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